Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Prayers & Blessings: A Preborn Prodigy Review

Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

Out of my three pregnancies, my daughter's is my favorite because I used self-hypnosis before and during labor.  It might sound a little kooky, but the powerful messages I learned to tell myself transformed my state of mind all the way through her delivery.  Needless to say, I believe in the power of positive messages sent to our subconscious mind.  Today's review is a from a company that believes the same thing.  Preborn Prodigy desires to transform lives with God's word through these powerful albums of music.  

What We Received:

We received three separate, individually packaged CDs:
  • Prayers and Blessings for the Unborn Child -
  • Prayers and Blessings Newborn to 99
  • Math Prodigy

How It Works:

Positive messages like these aren't required to be completely understood or comprehended at first or even every setting.  As in the unborn child especially, a working knowledge of the truths taught here isn't expected.  Instead, these ideas are designed to enter our subconscious first to build up our emotional health and strength. Depending on your age and level of understanding, the truths eventually become something you can verbalize as you listen to it over time.  In the case of the Unborn Child and Newborn to 99, truths from the Bible - including psalms, prayers, encouragements - are set to peaceful, soothing music.  The Math prodigy album sets math facts and concepts to similarly relaxing music through a worldview that honors a Creator. 

How We Used It:

My children are 9, 6 and 3 so the Prayers and Blessings for the Unborn Child didn't apply to any of them directly.  When I listened to it though, most of it was true for them regardless of in the womb or not! Still, we primarily listened to Prayers and Blessings Newborn to 99 and Math Prodigy. We enjoyed them most during school time because that's when we are quiet and the stereo is nearby.  Since we received them in the mail, the world has become incredibly uncertain due to the current 'pandemic' and the calming truths have been incredibly appropriate. The Math prodigy album presents a wide variety of information so it's good for all of my kids' age levels and for learning any time!  All albums are great for in the car when you need everyone to calm down or even go to sleep on a long trip.

Any of these would be wonderful gifts to new mothers, but the Unborn Child album could be a powerful blessing to a pregnant woman in all kinds of circumstances.  Whether they are in a stable environment or in complicated waters, this could be a shroud of safety and protection for both her and the new child.  From reading up on the company, I know these albums are a ministry more than a business.  As the truths are straight from scripture, this gift could be planting the seeds of salvation in the heart of a parent or child.  It's a beautiful thing!

Follow Preborn Prodigy on Social Media:

The Review Crew consists of homeschool families at all stages of life! Read more reviews to get a better idea of how this product worked for different ages!

Prayers & Blessings for the Unborn Child, Blessings Newborn to 99 & Math Prodigy  {Preborn Prodigy Reviews}

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