Sunday, November 1, 2020

What Happens If You're Disappointed This Week?

Disappointment is a big issue with kids around.  Every parent will tell you not to say a word about a trip to the zoo or a possible visitor until it is actively happening, otherwise there will be mountains of disappointed fits.  One of the ways we try to manage disappointment with our kids, especially as they've gotten older, is to talk about how we will react if we are disappointed.  When there's a chance their cousins will get to come over, but it's still up in the air (or something in that same category), we often have them talk about what they will feel and what they will do with that feeling.  I don't want to sound patronizing, but I think we all need to take ourselves through this exercise before this election on Tuesday.

Like it or not, there will be a lot of people disappointed by this presidential election, as there always is.  I'm not sure who it will be - maybe you, maybe your neighbor, but there will be disappointment.  How are we going to handle ourselves if that happens to us?  Even better, how are we going to handle ourselves if the outcome is something we like?  We've gotten used to the term unprecedented times as though it excuses bad behavior, but it really calls for grace.  That means not returning angry words with more angry words.  That means treating others with dignity whether we feel they deserve it or not.  That means not being a sore loser or condescending winner.  

This next week could be a side show of epic proportions or it might be a pleasant dive into November.  Whatever the case, I'm still commanded to live a life that reflects Jesus and His reign in my life.  Of course, it is easier said than done when unrest hits close to home.  There might be a lot of reasons you are afraid and unsettled heading in to this week. We don't know the future and this year has given all of us a dose of PTSD so it's easy to assume it may just get worse.  And maybe it will.  But if God is directing your path, then whatever is happening is allowed and ultimately His will.

Just as God and my marriage to Mr. Butler dictates that I love him just as much when things are really bad as when they are amazing, our commitment to godly behavior extends to when life is scary or unfair.  And maybe you are going to be tempted to argue or fuss this week as a result of the election.  It's understandable because, well, 2020.  But love is patient, love is kind.  And He is love and so then should we be as well.  So, as you think about all the bazillion ways this week could go, consider how you will choose to behave in response to it.  Will that remind others of how your final authority is in heaven?  Or will it just add to the mess of ugliness that comes from losing your way?

I'm praying for us tonight because we all need it so much.  Let's pray together for clear heads prevailing in all things this week and protection against foolish words and actions.  And for goodness sakes, let's keep it together! :)

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What Happens If You're Disappointed This Week?

Disappointment is a big issue with kids around.  Every parent will tell you not to say a word about a trip to the zoo or a possible visitor ...