Friday, November 2, 2018

Balancing Diapers & Deadlines: A Lisa Tanner Writing Review

Lisa Tanner Writing
As you know, I am involved in a few personal business ventures in addition to my responsibilities as a wife, mother and home educator.  It is not a simple thing to manage all these things successfully and not burn yourself out.  Truth be told, I am still not really balancing my family and work-related things very well.  I get stuck diving into one or the other, but throwing in the towel when I try to manage both.  You can understand, then, how Balancing Diapers and Deadlines from Lisa Tanner Writing speaks to the exact place I am in.  This review came at the very time I was trying to determine a better way of incorporating work into my life without staying up all night 3 nights a week!  
Balancing Diapers and Deadlines
Balancing Diapers and Deadlines is an online course designed to walk moms through the various hurdles you encounter as an entrepreneur too.  Lisa Tanner, mom of 8, knows what it means to be busy and struggling to balance it all.  This course allows you to learn from her mistakes and feast from her 'what works' pile.   I only have 3 children, but turns out it doesn't matter that much - the hurdles are much the same.  Also, the title says diapers, but if you have strictly older children, most of it still applies.  She even has some lessons divided up by age group - babies, toddlers, middles, etc.  If you have children at home and you are also doing business from home, she has some great advice!

This summer I took an online course on freelance writing that came highly recommended.  In regards to freelance writing, it was exactly what I needed to know.   Now it is three months later and I'm still struggling to be where I want to be.  Writing itself is on the easy side of the spectrum for me (hence pursuing it), but the meshing of business tasks and household/homeschool tasks is very specific and just plain hard.  Lisa's course covers everything that I've been frustrated with.   She certainly doesn't sugarcoat trying to manage both, but the course does offer encouragement that it really is that hard while providing simple tasks and ideas to streamline and incorporate both within your day.

Throughout the course she provides printable charts and ideas designed to help you get a hold of your family management and minimize your decisions.  I knew this to be a struggle for me, but hadn't really said it out loud so she was spot on for my needs.  One of my favorite suggestions was her annual meal plan.  I have been successful with a 2 week and monthly meal plan, but I had never even considered an annual plan.  The interesting way it works is by setting a theme for each day of the week and then having 4 or 5 options under each theme.

You've heard the phrase, "Work smarter not harder," haven't you?  I have been working really really hard the past few months and I needed some help working smarter.  Balancing Diapers & Deadlines is a wonderful, realistic guide to making wiser choices and really making the balance work!  

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Do you have only older children?  Check out some of the other reviews to see a different perspective!

Balancing Diapers and Deadlines {Lisa Tanner Writing Reviews}
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