As the wind was rushing past me, cooling the sweat running down my skin, I suddenly thought of Paul and how sincere he was in his persecution of the church. He was utterly convinced that stamping out Christ's church was what he was commanded to do. If he was wrong, of all people, he should be pitied or helped because he was so sincerely convinced of his justification. Yet, he wasn't. Not even a little bit. Though his sin was pardoned in his faithful obedience to God later in his life, his persecution of the church and the results of his actions were in no way right or justified.
If Paul, eventual martyr for the Lord, could not be excused for his misdirected sincerity, then how could I even begin to expect that? Well, when in my right mind, I cannot. It is only when I am willing to see myself and my world as it is that I can grow and find justification. Though it can hurt beyond bearing, the truth is the only way to freedom.
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