Whether you are homeschooling or have been distance learning the past few months, keeping students skills up has probably been on your mind. As we step into Summer, that might be an even greater concern. Today's review of several Page a Day Math products couldn't be more relevant right now! The struggle as a parent and teacher is real because we know current events have been stressful for all of us, including the kids. Balancing their educational needs with their emotional needs is a delicate thing. I want my children to not lose pace, but I also know there is a danger of adding to their stress with pushing too hard. Page a Day Math is an easy way to fill in the gaps with a smile!
What We Received:
We received digital access to the following:
- Addition Starter Kit
- Subtraction Starter Kit
- Multiplication Starter Kit
- Division Starter Kit
- Being Grateful Handwriting Book
- Beautiful Biology Handwriting Book
Each Math Kit comes with bonus downloads that include:
- Flash Cards - Cards are available in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
- Assessments - Not quite sure where your student needs help? These handy assessments give you an idea where to start.
- Progress Tracker - For kids who need visual feedback, keep track with this one page chart.
- Handwriting Books - Mix and match with all sorts of handwriting options.
Each one of these we were able to download and save in our personal files where we could use repeatedly for multiple students. These kits and books are also available for purchase in physical form.
How It Works:
Each Math Kit contains multiple books that increase in difficulty as the student goes along. Sections within each book are divided into numbered days so that the student has a clear stopping point each day. The problems included in each day include a combination of review, repetition and greater challenge. This mixture combined with shorter lessons makes for a comfortable environment for the student to work. The assessment provided is a great resource in determining where to begin each student. With the digital format, it is easy to pick up wherever is needed and also repeat if things don't go very well the first time. Flash cards can then be used as well to work on trouble spots.
The Handwriting Books do not have daily divisions or anything, but come in a variety of themes that make them quite engaging.
How We Used It:
My 6 year old completed one book of the Addition Kit and one of the Subtraction. My 9 year old worked on Multiplication. Both of them started somewhere in the middle of their respective kits. Due to the shortness of the lessons, I received a lot of "This is pretty easy." rather than complaints. My 9 year old now feels very confident in his 6 and 7 multiplication facts which is a big difference from a couple of months ago. It became a morning routine to do their Page a Day Math right after breakfast that I didn't have to enforce too much. That's a wonderful perk for this mom of three!
The Handwriting Books, which seems unrelated to math, is actually a similar skill that requires repetition and daily practice. In that way, they were an easy and fun addition to morning practice. The Handwriting Books come in cursive or print and a variety of themes to encourage your student with words from subjects that he loves or ideas they need reinforced, like:
- Being Grateful
- Happy Home
- Super Sight Words
- Adorable Adjectives
- Merry Music
- Special Sports
- Beautiful Biology
- Fun Physics
- Places and Spaces
- Scenic States
- Eats and Treats
- Fabulous Food
- Cool Chemistry
The resources from Page a Day Math have such flexibility that whether you have one struggling student or a household full of students, you have a plethora of options at any given time. As I look to the future of homeschooling 3 children through elementary school, I know this program will be something we happily use over and over.
Follow Page A Day Math on Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PageADayMath/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pageadaymath/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/PageADayMath/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8UIYkpR0df46oOZ05Ncvqw
Some of the Review Crew tried out the physical kits. If you're interested in how those work, check out some of the other reviews through the link below!

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