Wulf the Saxon is about a young man in the year 1065 who through various adventures and trials plays a big role in the history of England. His commitment to those he serves and honor in his dealings with others - even enemies in battle - paints a beautiful picture of principles in action. It certainly presents a lot of examples of sacrifice for others and the price of selfish ambition. However, with kids, you just never know what they are going to zero in on and come up with. Toward the end of the story, Wulf asks for Agnes De Burg's hand in marriage and, of course, she accepts. Afterwards, the story breaks for a moment and the children being told the story react with "Ew! Gross!" and "Can we skip the kissing part?" I started chuckling and stopped the CD at this point because we had arrived at our destination. My kids, who never miss a reaction coming out of me, started questioning my laughter hard, which only made me laugh harder. They didn't understand why the kids were so grossed out. I'm not sure if they just weren't paying close enough attention or perhaps they are used to their dad and I kissing at home. Either way, I explained it as best I could in between my laughter, though they never seemed fully conviced. You just never know what kind of questions will be sparked from listening to these kind of audio adventures!
Heirloom Audio's series of adventures is complimented by their online resource center, Live the Adventure Club. When you become a member of the Adventure Club, you receive 3 CD sets (audio adventures) a year automatically sent to you, access to a ton of education resources like study guides, scripts to read along with, games and activities linked to their stories, access to hundreds of old time radio shows, and so. much. more. If you're looking for a great gift for a birthday or holiday, this is one of those fun AND educational gifts that keeps on giving!
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