Friday, January 5, 2018

Hey 2018: Let's CRUSH IT!

  After the heavy challenges of last year, Mr. Butler and I both have been looking forward to starting fresh in 2018. We've grown closer together. We have dreamed more together.  And I'm generally just happier with him than ever!  One of my favorite things about him and our relationship is his ability to make me laugh.  I can be a stick in the mud and he is the best medicine for me.  Our first major conversation of 2018 is a perfect example.

So, selecting a word to inspire and guide you over the course of the year is s trending thing to do these days.  Around 1:00 AM  Jan. 1st, on our way home from singing in the new year, I asked him what word he would pick for us for 2018.  Mind you, he's amped up on caffeine and he's extra funny that way.  He's driving and looks at me straight in the eyes long enough to say "CRUSH IT" with a super serious face.  It was ridiculous, but cute.  I said, "That's two words.  Try again with only one word."  He thinks for a minute and then with a good '80s style motivation in his voice he says, "CRUSHIT! One word!" with a fist pump in the air.   Ridiculous but I laughed hard.

So, for now we are attempting to CRUSH IT in 2018.  I'm implementing some better chore routines for the kids, working to be more disciplined with my lesson planning and writing time, Mr. Butler and I both have some major weight-loss goals we're working on, trying to replenish some savings that 2017 depleted, and overall maintain the good things in our life (aka our circus!).  Thankfully, my best friend is pretty awesome and tries to keep this girl from taking herself too seriously.  I don't always listen, but he's good for the soul anyway. :)

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