Worksheets sometimes get a bad rap as the makings of a miserable education, but most any teacher will tell you that they are very useful. Maybe it's a homeschool thing, but my kids are always begging me to print them off some school! There are a lot of free websites around, but I usually can't get more than a couple of pages off of a website before I hit a snag of some kind like asking to pay for the good quality pages or the printing is all weird. Getting to review the Individual Membership from Super Teacher Worksheets helped me see what I had been missing when I relied on Google to give me what I needed!

Whether you have Spanish speaking learners or you need some reinforcement for your Spanish lessons, there are some really neat printables in Spanish! There are also teacher tools like award certificates and lesson planners.
I tried out the worksheet generator and made a fun word find using family members names including cousins and grandparents. Just that little bit of personalization seemed to make it a lot more enjoyable to the kids. Whatever the subject we are studying that week, the worksheet generator makes it easy to adapt to it. Plus it is an easy way to reinforce vocabulary words.

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- Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/superteacherwks/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/superteacherworksheets/

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