There is a stark difference between the landscape of my
inner-city public education and my children’s country-style homeschool
education. With the recent turmoil
surrounding law enforcement and racism debates, my thoughts have rarely made it
to my mouth. Every time I go to speak,
I then remember that I’m very much white, well-provided for, and have little
desire or time to enter a fight that’s way out of my league. So then I sigh with shame and relief that
I’ve really got nothing relevant to say anyway.
But the shame lingers because I know my children, whom I am working so
hard to protect, still have to choose to be part of the solution rather than
the problem. In light of homeschooling,
what can we do to change this backdrop of anger, privilege and prejudice? How can we cultivate a relevant and informed
understanding while not joining the destructive fray?
It has to be through kindness. What if kindness was a baseline to everything
else we do? Before a child is put on a
pre-engineering path or considers scholarship options, what if she were
well-equipped with gracious words in the face of an angry person? What if a child was taught the value of every person, role, and perspective
before knowing how to use a checking account?
What would our communities look like if serving others – in nursing
homes, restaurants, and every day dirty jobs – was a requirement before cell
phones or driver’s licenses were handed out?
As powerful as a parent’s role is, we cannot expect to stamp
out poverty, crime or injustice as long as the devil is in play here on
earth. Whenever policies and laws
change, evil will adapt and attack differently.
I can, however, teach my children
the currency of kindness. The adults
that spring forward from my little homeschool could lift others up from out of
their circumstance, work for the purpose of generous giving, or serve the
confused and misled rather than fuel the ugly fights we are seeing today.
1) Courtesy. “Yes, ma’am.” “No, sir.” “Please and Thank
You.” Holding the door for others.
Exercising patience in any and every line you might be in, including
traffic. Whomever you hold in high
regard, treat others as though they were that person. And yes, whether they deserve it or not.
2) Appreciation. Listening and understanding someone’s
position, experience and needs long before you comment or act. In marriage, the work place and even in
politics, when I feel listened to and at least appreciated for sharing my view
I am more likely to consider opposing views.
3) Value and
Gratitude. When we are taught
gratitude in every circumstance, value in all things goes up. Did we do without? In the future we can show empathy to
others. Did we always have extra? In the future we can commit to sharing with
those without. Either way, gratitude
adds value to everyone’s life!
The colors and complaints will likely change. Our position on policy might even shift. Learning to see others – all others – as
valuable and in need of Christ-like love will always be the most user-friendly
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