Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday, Facebook and Feedback!

Happy Friday! I don't know about you, but I've had a long week - sickness, emergencies, etc. - and I'm ready for the weekend!  

Are you following the blog on facebook?  I'm always coming across articles and various things I find helpful in my balancing act and Finding the WRITE Balance's facebook page is where I share them.  So, if you'd like to keep up with it all, like Finding the WRITE Balance on facebook!

And finally, would you be interested in helping me with a little bit of amateur research?  I'm starting to work on a series about writing and would love to know a few things about your writing life.  Do you keep a journal, write letters (not texts or pms) or keep a written record of anything in your life?  Have you ever found it beneficial to do that at any point in your life?  If not (or not right now), what is the biggest hinderance to any kind of writing or journaling?  Feel free to email me with your response if you're not comfortable leaving a comment.

1 comment:

Hannah Scott said...

I try to journal, but can never get around to it on a regular basis. It's always been a right-before-bed thing for me, and by the time I get to that point these days, I'm just too exhausted to hold a pen! I enjoy writing letters as well, but have to really schedule out a chunk of time to make that happen as well. I did write one yesterday at work on receipt paper! Sometimes it's all about using an unexpected few minutes and the resources at hand, right? :)

What Happens If You're Disappointed This Week?

Disappointment is a big issue with kids around.  Every parent will tell you not to say a word about a trip to the zoo or a possible visitor ...