- Archimedes - Archimedes' Screw
- Galileo - Telescope
- Leonardo da Vinci - Parachute
- Alexander Graham Bell - Cup and String Phone
- James Watt - Model Steam Engine
- Charles Babbage - Binary Coding
- Nikola Tesla - Drawing Power Poles
- Johannes Gutenberg - Desktop Printing Press
- Wright Brothers - Paper Airplanes
- Steve Job - Computer Dissection
How We Used It:
My son (8) and daughter (5) almost always want to see or try out whatever resource the other one is using so I had them both sit down and watch the videos together. The quizzes were straightforward enough that they could do them together. The kids really enjoyed recognizing the first few inventors from other books and things they have learned other places. We usually waited to do the projects until Mr. Butler got home because #1 he's really good at that kind of thing and #2 he loves that part of homeschooling!
Project: Build a Telescope
Project: Computer Disection
What We Thought:
Everything was well-organized and easy to use. The supplies and instructions for the projects were clear. My kids LOVE doing projects with dad so they had a great time. From an educational and lesson planning perspective, just knowing that Techie Homeschool Mom exists opens up some great options for the future. We are always looking for a simpler way to introduce our students to content without it requiring even more work on the parents part. While there is heavy involvement on the projects (namely because of my kids' young ages), everything else can be very hands-off. Since a lot of the curriculum and resources that we use require plenty of parent/teacher guidance, it is nice to supplement with a unit study like this where most of the preparation is already done.
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We loved this program and could see all of Techie Homeschool Mom's studies being a great resource when planning your curriculum. Click below and read what other families had to say about some of the other unit studies!

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