Teaching kids to do a job and do it well is sometimes so overwhelming and seems much easier to just do it yourself. What this book highlights is the goal of producing an adult who is proficient in household skills AND working myself out of a job as a mother/teacher. To that end, there are age appropriate jobs, a box full of How-to-do-it cards, zone approaches, and a few different ways of assigning jobs. There isn't one hard and fast way of doing it, but several options suggested depending on your household needs. We have begun implementing the card box and job assignments in conjunction with the new school year beginning. The methods are very useful and versatile. The availability of all the printables pushed me further into organization than I would naturally go. As with most things, anything new is exciting and motivating to J, at least for a while. He has certainly thrived with more responsibility the last few weeks and that makes me hopeful for more success down the road.
However, as good as all these things are, the greatest impact from this book originated from the beginning discussions about the heart of the matter. One of our main purposes in homeschooling is guide our children intentionally so that their hearts and minds are equipped to serve God and serve others with success, self-discipline and joy. This Everyday Family Chore System is a way to keep their hearts focused on Him instead of getting burdened down with tasks that will be necessary their entire life. How many fights in your house result from someone dragging their feet or all out refusal to complete a task? Too many in our household I'm afraid. I'm happy to say we're working on changing that!
If you would like to get this handy book or one of the other books Everyday Homemaking offers, my readers can get 10% off until September 5th using the code TOS10books.
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