As you can see in the picture below, we received 4 different physical resources:
1) Student Text - A full color, nice quality textbook with professional photos, suggested activities, and a wealth of Bible references.
2) Notebooking Journal - This is an interactive tool that kids can take notes, illustrate their favorite concepts, and create all kinds of keepsake art. Intended for 3rd/4th grade students and up.
3) Jr. Notebooking Journal - This junior version is geared toward new readers and writers so there are more coloring pages and larger lines for writing. Intended for K - 3rd grade students.
4) Audio CD - This is a the audio recording of the text Exploring Creation with Astronomy read by Jeannie Fullbright. If you have auditory learners, slow readers, any learning disabilities, or just need to encourage some independent learning, this is a fabulous resource to engage with the content.
In the front of both Notebooking Journals, Apologia has provided a suggested dailyschedule that includes the text, the journal and the optional Apologia Science Kit (which is on sale right now!). While we didn't have the kit, there are still fun projects in each lesson that the books guide you through like building your own solar system, a solar eclipse, or a volcano! One of the first things the student does is cut out a bookmark that has places to takes notes on it. It must have encouraged ownership in my son because he became really excited about that part. The new vocabulary the text introduced was fun to witness in action too. We had an entire dinner conversation about gravity one night. I think we impressed Mr. Butler with that one. ;)
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