Tuesday, August 2, 2016

CTCMath: An Online Math Curriculum Review

CTCMath Review
Even though we homeschool year round, we have slowed things down a bit this summer.  One of the great resources we have taken advantage of is CTCMath's Online Math Curriculum.  For this review we received a year's subscription to CTCMath's Homeschool Membership on the family plan which gave full access to all lessons across all grade levels that includes K-6, Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1 & 2, Geometry, Trigonometry, Pre-Calculus and Calculus for up to ten students.  For large families this could be mean a lot of money saved!

Since most of our school work is not online, having an online program to fall back on has been really nice for the times when Miss Z (newly 3 years old) is insisting on 'doing school with me' and I need J  (my 5 year old) to still be productive.  This program is beautifully designed for independent work, complete with lessons, interactive questions and diagnostic tests that are all easily accessed.  The parent/teacher area includes detailed records on each student and the ability to assign tasks (lessons, tests, etc.) to each student ahead of time that will be waiting for them at their next login.  Especially for higher grade levels, this program is a smooth combination of parental control and student responsibility.

Since we've only made it to 1st grade work, I haven't had a lot of experience with the different learning issues math can sometimes present.  My son asked to use this program regularly, enjoyed the videos and didn't need much help once he got the layout of things down.  However, I can see CTCMath being very useful for all types of learners.  The lesson videos combine audio and visual avenues to engage the student, followed by interactive questions.  As the teacher, I can adjust how many questions are required for mastery on individual lessons for each individual student which can be helpful when students need extra practice on a skill.  The diagnostic tests are also accessible any time which even further allows you to individualize their experience to their needs.

I mentioned saving money earlier so let's look at that in greater detail.  The CTCMath Homeschool Membership comes in single student plans and family plans that you can purchase monthly (able to cancel at any time), at 6 months, or yearly.  If you only have one student and aren't looking for a complete curriculum replacement, a single membership a month at a time might make a lot of sense.  If you have more than one student able to use it, the family plan saves money and sets you up with a great record keeping system that you might choose to continue for years!  

Keep up with CTCMath on Social Media:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ctcmath?ref=hl
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ctcmathofficial
Periscope: https://www.periscope.tv/ctcmathofficial
Pinterest: https://au.pinterest.com/ctcmath/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWn5e6974bpIEAe46VnovZw

Looking for a perspective on older students using this program?  Check out all of the other reviews from the Schoolhouse Review Crew:

CTCMath Review
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