Thursday, December 22, 2011

Lessons From the Sewing Machine

Probably my most said phrase over the course of my life so far (if I had an internal counter) would be "I can't!" or "It's too hard!"  Not really because I actually can't or things really are too hard, but because I have very messed up expectations for things.  What I expect I'm capable of is way below the truth.  How difficult or doable things are is usually way off.  If I'm motivated I think HUGE tasks will be no problem and if I'm fearful I think simple things are just "too much" for me to handle.

I was really motivated this year to hand-make as many of my holiday gifts as I could.  Probably about 60% of them will be, a number that I'm pretty proud of.  I'm proud because when I say hand-made I'm talking sewing - something I've never been good at or had much experience at.  And I was pretty well on track until I got sick last weekend and hadn't recovered until yesterday.  So, now I really should be sewing, but instead I thought I'd share some things I've learned.

God, if I ask and will let him, can teach me lessons in ANY situation.  I behaved poorly last night, letting impatience with my husband just go crazy.  Not good.  And so what happens today? A task that I underestimated is taking a long time.  All day it has been staring me in the face with "YOU NEED TO BE MORE PATIENT!!!!  So, I've relaxed and accepting my punishment/penance of a tedious job.

I hope everyone is finding joy in their week, no matter the circumstances.  You can always make a situation better by being joyful! 

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